What is MAIWP doing with Zakat?

As a person who used to receive zakat from the relevant bodies, I always have a special place for such initiatives for my newly dearest brothers and sisters. Thanks to all the relevant bodies that has been assisting them to adjust to the new surrounding. 

One of the bodies that have been willingly assisting the needy ones are MAIWP.
Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan, MAIWP, Zakat, Wilayah Persekutuan, Pusat Pungutan Zakat, Rawlins GLAM, PPZ MAIWP,

Firstly, what is MAIWP?
MAIWP is the acronym for Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (Islamic Council for the Federal Territory). MAIWP was established on 1 February 1974, simultaneously with the establishment of the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. 

MAIWP was established to tend to Islamic affairs in the Federal Territory of KL. Subsequently, MAIWP also responsible for Labuan and Putrajaya too when both were declared Federal Territories on 16 April 1984 and 1 February 2001 respectively.

So, how is MAIWP distributing the Zakat @ the Federal Territories?
As declared, MAIWP is responsible for the distribution of Zakat @ the Federal Territories. The collection is being carried out via Pusat Pungutan Zakat MAIWP. Whereas the distribution is carried out wholly by MAIWP.

But, I heard some rumours that MAIWP is not distributing the Zakat as claimed/ not doing a good job at distributing the Zakat to the asnaf?
It is hard to change the rumours as people love to gossip. No one will ever be able to escape the gossips. And gossips as gossips are - NOT THE TRUTH.

Baitulmal MAIWP is the department of MAIWP that is responsible for the direct distribution of Zakat to the asnaf at all the Federal Territories. Currently, there are 28 Zakat aid schemes in place to assist the asnaf from all angles. The schemes encompass basic needs, housing, education, business, welfae and da'wah. The application for the zakat aid is open throughout the year. 

Here's a scenario how the schemes will assist the asnaf.
A family of 4 (parents and two small kids) has been identified by MAIWP eligible for the following schemes.
  • Bantuan Kewangan Bulanan
  • Bantuan Sewa Rumah (if the parents couldn't afford the rent)
  • Bantuan Pelajaran for the kids
  • Bantuan Perubatan, if any of them are in needs of medical attention
  • Bantuan Perniagaan to assist them in business

But I heard that the procedures and the processes to apply for the aids are troublesome.
Prior to 2008, the application can only be made at the Baitulmal MAIWP headquarters. From 2008 onwards, MAIWP has opened 10 branches known as Pusat Agihan Zakat (PAZA) to assist in expediting the application process. The locations of PAZA as per listed here [PAZA Locations].

An application form is now only a two-page form and all kinds of applications can be made via PAZA. Not only that, Kaunter Bergerak Baitulmal MAIWP is also going places to reach further. The locations known to be the center of the public such as the night markets, surau and mosques and such are the locations where one will see the Kaunter Bergerak Baitulmal MAIWP.

Not restricting and depending their reach solely on the Kaunter Bergerak Baitulmal MAIWP, a tracing squad was formed to trace the deserving ones that were not listed or informed by the public to MAIWP. Skuad Jejak Asnaf Baitulmal MAIWP has been rounding all the locations at the Federal Territories to trace and enlist the asnaf.
Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan, MAIWP, Zakat, Wilayah Persekutuan, Pusat Pungutan Zakat, Rawlins GLAM, PPZ MAIWP,
If you happen to come across the deserving ones that need any kind of assistance that fit the assistance requirements [List of Schemes and Requirements], you may contact the MAIWP via all these contacts.

  • Hotline : 012-518 3614 / 012-512 7614

  • TollFree Line: 1800 88 5222 

Are there any other means for MAIWP to distribute the Zakat?
Yes, there are other means too. MAIWP assists in the development of establishments that benefit communities such as schools and colleges. As you can see, MAIWP assists in the establishments where knowledge are imparted to the younger souls and these deeds will further benefit the family, the society and the country in the long run. 

Here are some of the institutions:
  1. Sekolah Menengah Agama MAIWP Kuala Lumpur, Bandar Sri Permaisuri
  2. SMA-MAIWP Labuan
  3. Sekolah Menengah Integrasi Sains Tahfiz (SMISTA), Bandar Tun Razak
  4. Institut Kemahiran Baitulmal (IKB), Kampung Pandan
  5. Kolej Profesional Baitulmal Kuala Lumpur, Kampung Pandan
  6. Kolej Antarabangsa PICOMS, Taman Batu Muda
  7. Darul Ilmi, Sungai Penchala
  8. Pondok Moden Al-A'baqirah, Taman Koperasi Polis Fasa 2 Gombak
  9. Ma'alim al-Sunan Li Dirasati al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah

Apart from learning institutions, MAIWP has also assisted in the building of the protection and welfare institutions as below:
  1. Darul Kifayah for the orphans, Taman Koperasi Polis Fasa 2 Gombak
  2. Dar Assaadah to assist the recovery process for the women, Kampung Batu Jalan Ipoh
  3. Darul Hidayah is the protection house for the newly reverts

Owh. There are many ways to reach MAIWP. Surely, there will be bureaucracy involved right?
No such thing as troubling bureaucracy in MAIWP.
Surely filling in the basic details in a two-page form will not burden anyone as MAIWP needs all the information to assist them accordingly. 

The information shared is also crucial to recognize the needy ones as MAIWP assumes the trust of Zakat payers in the Federal Territory to distribute them to the eligible persons. 

And the application need not any confirmation from anyone, so the application will be evaluated solely on whatever is written on the form. Whereas the approval will only take 5 working days, and it will be very much faster for emergency cases - the assistance is almost immediately.
Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan, MAIWP, Zakat, Wilayah Persekutuan, Pusat Pungutan Zakat, Rawlins GLAM, PPZ MAIWP,

What about the transparency of Zakat management? I heard that some questions the transparency.
MAIWP is subject to audit practice by the National Audit Department (Jabatan Audit Negara), so yes, we have to be transparent of Zakat management.

Before a single cent is given to the asnaf/ assistance for the establishment, it must be presented and approved by the Jawatankuasa Perundingan Hukum Syara' Wilayah Persekutuan that is chaired by Mufti. 

So far, MAIWP has received Sijil Audit Bersih since 2006, 4 Stars Rankings for Indeks Akauntabiliti Pengurusan Kewangan from the National Audit Department from 2011 - 2013. 

Alright then. Should you need more information about Zakat distribution and need to be in touch with MAIWP, here are the important contact details:

Rawlins GLAM

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  1. People always love to spread the gossips instead the facts. As a body inspected by JAN and received Sijil Audit Bersih, its reveal everything. If any issue arose, they shd call MAIWP directly instead asking to the wrong channel.

  2. It's cool knowing they provide all the channels for the zakat payers. It's so convenient! So sad that some ppl think bad about them and says thing like duit zakat hilang etc, and the fact they have done their best to distribute for the needy.

  3. wah thank you sebab share ni,. alhamdulillah sebab sebelum ni ramai yang tertanya kemanakah wang zakat disalurkan. dengan ada nya info macam ni mudah dorang tahu tanpa was-was. rasanya utk kesedaran boleh la dikalkukan secara kerap kan?

  4. pernah juga terbaca tanggapan negatif di kalangan masyarakat kita tentang MAIWP tidak agihkan kutipan zakat yang mereka perolehi setiap bulan tapi sebenarnya tidak...diorang mmg badan yang dipertanggungjawab mengutip dan mengagihkan zakat ini kepada yg memerlukan. oh banyak juga jenis bantuan tu ye..anyway tq for sharing this supaya masyarakat kita lebih peka

  5. Perkongian yang bagus dan menarik. Sekurang-kurangnya ramai yang akan faham dimana wang zakat tersebut disalurkan. Bagi sis elok kita bayar zakat kepada badan yang telah diiktiraf agar zakat yg kita beri disalurkan kpd mereka yg benar2 memerlukan

  6. It is always very clear from the people's view of Zakat that songlap money does not help those who need it. Do we see their own songlap and also see how the zakat tu is given do not play it right not Rawlins.

  7. bagus usaha ni.. i harap dengan kutipan zakat yang boleh mencecah jutaaan ringgit betul betul disalurkan pada yang memerlukan... i teringat homeless yang i jumpa recently i harap zakat pun sampai dekat mereka... kesian tak sanggup tengok anak dara baya macam anak i tidur tepi jalan :( apa pun tahniah !

  8. bagusnya sebab Rawlins juga ambil port pasal berzakat dengan MAIWP , memang ini yang kita mahu dan orang ramai juga patut ambik tahu mengenai kebaikan zakat....masyarakat kena memainkan peranan untuk membantu MAIWP mencapai golongan sasaran yang memerlukan

  9. Sebagai orang yang membayar zakat, semestinya kita tertanya-tanya, kemana duit tu disalurkan, betul ke dibagi keoada golongan asnaf. Tapi kita kena fikir positif, duit tu semestinya diberi kepad golongan yang memerlukan, kalau diaorg tak buat kerja diaorg tanggungvdosa kan. Bagus info ni, sekurangnya kita tau bantuan tu sampai

  10. nice info especially for the Muslims, your post reminded me all the learning on these when i studied for my shariah registered financial planner! haha

    How to deal with markets ups and downs?

  11. Artikel ni bagus supaya ada org Muslim yang memerlukan bantuan, tahu cara dan bagaimana utk mencari maklumat ni.

  12. good info bro..straight and clear..good for newbie zakat payer..


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