#AyamWithYou Is A Positive Uplift for the Orang Asli Community

#AyamWithYou Is A Positive Uplift for the Orang Asli Community | So far, 2020 has not been kind to everyone around the world, and that includes the Orang Asli community. Orang Asli community felt the economic impact of the world pandemic through reduced economic opportunities. 
Ayam Brand, Orang Asli, Kampung Orang Asli Changkat Bintang, Corporate Socual Responsibility, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle
Through its #AyamWithYou campaign, Ayam Brand™ in cooperation with the Department of Orang Asli Development (JAKOA) includes the community in its bid to assist Malaysians, no matter where they are during these trying times. So far, the campaign has successfully introduced #AyamWithYou community pantry in 13 locations nationwide, and now, all these locations are running on self-sustaining with the assistance of the local residents and product contributions from Ayam Brand, Mission Foods and Alce Nero. 

Through its long-running Corporate Social Responsibility programmes Ayam Brand™ has contributed more than 2 million healthy meals for charity, providing nutritious food to more than 21,800 people from 524 charity organisations and NGOs over the past 13 years. 

The community care campaign is being rolled out at Kampung orang Asli Changkat Bintang, Selangor with one month’s supply of Ayam Brand and Alce Nero products being contributed to a total of 39 Orang Asli families from these communities. 

“The stimulus provided for Orang Asli has been helpful for many communities, nationwide but they are still facing economic challenges, specifically putting food on the table. The #AyamWithYou campaign is a timely and positive uplift for Orang Asli communities, a reminder that they are not alone, as organisations and individuals have their interest at heart. Our thanks to Ayam Brand and Alce Nero for their generous contribution of premium healthy food products,” Prof Dr Juli Edo (Director General of JAKOA) says. 

“These communities are hard hit economically, and the contribution of food items with longer shelf lives is a vital lifeline. We hope more organisations join the #AyamWithYou campaign, or initiate their own charitable giving,” he adds. He further adds that the #AyamWithYou campaign was needful for its tangible and psychological support of Orang Asli communities through the contribution of food essentials during these challenging times.

JAKOA assists with the logistics arrangements as communities are usually settled deep in the forest. The department will coordinate with the Tok Batin to assist distributing a box of 27 products to the heads of households in each community while practicing physical distancing. 
Ayam Brand, Orang Asli, Kampung Orang Asli Changkat Bintang, Corporate Socual Responsibility, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle
Ayam Brand, Orang Asli, Kampung Orang Asli Changkat Bintang, Corporate Socual Responsibility, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle

The #AyamWithYou campaign was a welcome surprise to residents of Kampung Orang Asli Changkat Bintang in Selangor. 


“Times are very tough for us as economic activity in our area has reduced, and opportunities are scarce. This contribution from Ayam Brand and JAKOA ease some of our worries on providing for our families. We appreciate the thoughtfulness and the number of quality products. This can keep all 47 families here fed for a month or longer. We have not tried tuna, saba or pasta before so this is also a culinary adventure for us!” Tok Batin Hassan bin Kaku explained. 


A villager said the contribution was a windfall, generous and highly welcomed by the Changkat Bintang Orang Asli community as having the brand in their homes was a luxury or for a treat. Now with the contribution, the community feels that the rest of Malaysia is with them during these trying times. 

Ayam Brand, Orang Asli, Kampung Orang Asli Changkat Bintang, Corporate Socual Responsibility, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle


“We have reached out to different communities, especially those in need through the community care campaign, and are glad to work with JAKOA to support Orang Asli communities. Our products are nutrient-dense with reduced sugar and sodium that well suit Orang Asli diets. We modified the community pantry concept as there are fewer donors due to the isolated locations. We welcome other brands to join us in supporting these communities. The take away from the #AyamWithYou campaign is that as communities we can lift each other up,” says Ayam Brand Malaysia’s Marketing Manager, Ms Teoh Wei Ling. 

Since the world pandemic Covid-19 hit Malaysia, approximately 20,000 Ayam Brand products have been distributed and supported front liners at Hospital Sungai Buloh, the homeless, the differently-abled, orphans, single mothers, and the elderly.  

If you are interested to participate in the #AyamWithYou community care campaign, visit Ayam Brand website.  

#AyamWithYou #AyamBrand #CorporateSocialResponsibility #RawlinsEats #RawlinsLifestyle #OrangAsli

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  1. wah bagus la ayam brands. at least ringan beban orang2 kat sana nak cari makanan kan. musim pandemik sekarang ni memang memberi kesan pd masyarakat

  2. Alhamdulillah.. rezeki mereka musim pandemic

  3. Terbaiklah ayam brand masih teruskan campaign bantu mereka yg kesusahan. Ramai yg terkesan

  4. Another good initiatif by Ayam Brand aside the other konuniti campaign.

  5. Bnayak program ayam brand ni ye. Bagus.. Sangat1 membantu. Orang asli lagi la banyak hilang punca waktu covid ni.. Bila buat mcm ni, sedikit sebanyak bantu mereka

  6. Terbaik la Ayam Brand. Pandemic covid 19 ni mmg beri kesan kat ramai org.
    Baguslah ada pihak yg menyantuni orang Asli (Org Asal) yg terkesan

  7. Bagus inisiatif Ayam Brand ni. Sentiasa membantu masyarakat dan dan tak berhenti di situ sahaja. Well done Ayam Brand.

  8. Antara inisiatif terbaik dr ayam brand. Membantu pd mereka yg memerlukan

  9. Alhamdulillah, ayam brand selain jenama yang dipercayai, mereka juga jenama yang sentiasa memberikan bantuan dan sumbangan untuk rakyat dan pengguna. :)

  10. Bagus betul dengan kempen Yang dibuat oleh ayam brand. Atleast dapat membantu orang Yang memerlukan.

  11. This is really a good initiative by Ayamas. They have really tried their best to help those who are in need. Bless the company.

    1. Oppss...typo. It is Ayam Brand...not ayamas. LOL :D

  12. Memang support program and campaign Ayam Brand yang selalu membantu mereka yang kurang bernasib baik.

  13. i like this and this is a very good CSR event!! hope can bring more awareness to other corporate too


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