Anjung Singgah and Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kasih Nurul Hasanah with #AyamWithYou Community Pantries Assist Those In Need

Anjung Singgah and Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kasih Nurul Hasanah with #AyamWithYou Community Pantries Assist Those In Need | Watching the YT Video by Other Side of The Truth made me beaming with pride as a Malaysian. Again, in the face of challenges and danger, we Malaysians came together as one and fought the odds heads on! InsyaAllah, if we keep in persevering and adhering to the instructions given by the authorities, we will kick Covid-19 a**es out of the country!
Ayam Brand, #AyamWithYou, Food Pantry, Anjung Singgah, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kasih Nurul Hasanah, Covid 19, Kita Jaga Kita, Rawlins Eats, Health by Rawlins, bantuan,
As Malaysians always do, while times are tough, Malaysians are pulling together to support communities with kindness and trust, giving old methods such as communal food pantries an innovative spin. Everyone lends their able helping hand, one way or the other and no assistance is too small.

The #AyamWithYou Food Pantry Initiative, by Ayam Brand™ and 13 charity homes nationwide are helping charities, empowering them to help surrounding communities that are in need. 

For example, in the Anjung Singgah homeless shelter in Jalan Lekiu is leading the way for surrounding communities by managing the #AyamWithYou pantry in this area. 

“We were concerned for the well-being of some families here especially during Ramadan and for Raya. We don’t have much, but they had less. We have been part of the Ayam Brand™ Community Care campaign in the past. This year Ayam Brand™ again provided our organisation with two months’ supply of their products for our residents and suggested the food pantry or gerobok rezeki as a solution for the community. They have provided a weatherproof pantry and a separate stock of products that we can bless the community with."
“We sent out messages by WhatsApp and Facebook that the food pantry items are free for those in need, while those who want to contribute can add dry foods, snacks, stationery, cleaning products, and other essential items. The residents relish the responsibility of managing the food pantry and keeping it well-stocked. They get to practice kindness and generosity.” 
“Surprises have turned up at the food pantry including fresh vegetables, dates, baby formula, diapers and Raya cookies! We can feel the #KitaJagaKita closeness. The #AyamWithYou food pantry project has made this Raya very special by building stronger bonds of kindness, trust, and support in our community, allowing us to contribute actively well-being,” said Encik Amir Rudin Bin Abdul Rahman, the operations officer of Anjung Singgah Yayasan Kebajikan Negara.
Ayam Brand, #AyamWithYou, Food Pantry, Anjung Singgah, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kasih Nurul Hasanah, Covid 19, Kita Jaga Kita, Rawlins Eats, Health by Rawlins, bantuan,
Ayam Brand, #AyamWithYou, Food Pantry, Anjung Singgah, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kasih Nurul Hasanah, Covid 19, Kita Jaga Kita, Rawlins Eats, Health by Rawlins, bantuan,
The weatherproof pantry is set up outside the shelter so that social distancing is observed. It is open to the public round-the-clock. Staff and residents update the community about the food pantry through community groups on social media and messaging apps, and they top up the Ayam Brand™ products daily. 

As Malaysians always do, the response to the initiative has been overwhelming with the daily allocation of Ayam Brand™ products such as tuna, baked beans, processed peas, canned pineapples, and coconut milk snapped up quickly, and other essentials being added, with strong support from the community. 

Through its long-running Corporate Social Responsibility programmes Ayam Brand™ has contributed more than 2 million healthy meals for charity, providing nutritious food to more than 21,800 people from 524 charity organisations and NGOs over the past 12 years. 

This year the brand has supported Covid-19 front liners at Hospital Sungai Buloh, 13 charity homes, the #AyamWithYou food pantry initiative, and the Anjung Singgah Kuala Lumpur Homeless Transit center, with plans to support more organisations and communities. 
Ayam Brand, #AyamWithYou, Food Pantry, Anjung Singgah, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kasih Nurul Hasanah, Covid 19, Kita Jaga Kita, Rawlins Eats, Health by Rawlins, bantuan,
“Covid-19 drastically changed our plans for the 13th annual Ayam Brand™ Community Care Campaign, but we see the positive impact of the #AyamWithYou Food Pantry initiative. It changes the narrative for our charity home partners, from being recipients to being contributors and donors in their respective communities. The community here has embraced the food pantry concept of ‘take what you need, leave what you can’ creating a virtuous cycle that is sustaining the initiative” said Ayam Brand Malaysia’s Marketing Manager, Nathan Deverre.
The words of the food pantry were shared around by the Ayam Brand™ so that more can benefit or contribute. They were also among the first to contribute non-food items to the pantry. 

“Starting with our families and friends we sent out a list of necessities for the pantry. Those who could drop off essential items at the pantry. The community is so willing and eager to help. They have shared the location of the pantry with those in need as well. All of us can help within our means,” said an Ayam Brand™ team member who lives in the area. 
The #AyamWithYou food pantry is located Anjung Singgah, Lot 28-32 Jalan Hang Lekiu, 50100 Kuala Lumpur and at Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kasih Nurul Hasanah No 1, Jalan Pimping Kanan, Ukay Heights 68000 Ampang Selangor.

Be part of the movement to receive or to give essentials. 

Find out more  about the #AyamWithYou food pantry initiative, visit  

#kitajagakita #AyamWithYou #Covid19 #RawlinsEats #HealthbyRawlins

Rawlins GLAM

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  1. Kongsi rezeki bersama golongan yang memerlukan .
    Bagus pihak ayam brand bagi sumbangN pantri makanan ni .

  2. bagusnya inisiatif ayam brand letak pantri makanan untuk yang memerlukan. Pantri weatherproof pun bagus supaya tahan lama even panas hujan tak rosak

  3. Bagusnga inisiatif macam ni. Memang mengajar kita untuk sentiasa bersedekah. Moga mereka yang memerlukan dapat bantuan ini berterusan

  4. kasihan tengok anak-anak ni, alhamdulillah dengan adanya sedikit sumbangan dapat memberikan senyuman buat mereka. inisiatif yang sangat baik, kita pun boleh menyumbang untuk mereka

  5. Bagus kan inisiatif yang pihak Ayam Brand ni buat. Tak silap kat Kelantan pon ada satu di Kota Bharu. satu usaha yang perlu di teruskan lagi.

  6. Good job Ayam Brand.. Program macam ni dapat bantu mereka yang dlm kesushan dan yg memerlukan.. Lelas ni support Ayam Brand

  7. thumbs up for Ayam Brand CSR.. Great effort to help those who in need and anyone can easily donate without any complicated procedure and waiting...

  8. Bravo to my favourite Ayam brand for the #AyamWithYou food pantry initiative. This is meaningful for those who needed


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