The Sea Beast [Movie Review] | I came across The Sea Beast while browsing through Netflix. From the creator of Moana and Big Hero 6? Of course it is a must watch for me!

The Sea Beast (2022) Trivia
- Starring: Karl Urban, Zaris-Angel Hator, Jared Harris & Marianne Jean-Baptiste
- Directed by: Chris Williams
- Production Companies: Netflix Animation & Sony Pictures Imageworks
- Distributed by: Netflix
- Release date: July 8, 2022
- Running time: 119 minutes
- Rating: PG (for some action, violence and some language)
- Country: United States & Canada
- Language: English
- IMDb: 7.1/ 10
- Tomatometer: 95%
- Metascore: 74%
- One of the only animated films to feature the navigational needs of a ship in the age of sail. Throughout the film, the Inevitable is seen being navigated using accurate sailing commands and seamanship (with much artistic liberty). A sailing master is present (Mrs. Merino) who directs the movements of the ship under Captain Crow's commands, and consideration is given in the dialogue and animation to real-world actions of masts, sails, rigging, and wind direction (source).

Sea monsters have wreaked havoc against mankind for centuries. The stories is recorded in the book 'Tales of Captain Crow' and is widely shared and told by the people on land.
Maisie Brumble, an orphan girl who adores the story of Captain Crow and his crew of 'The Inevitable'- along with his first mate Sarah Sharpe and his adopted sob, Jacob Holland - determines to also be on the beast hunt someday.
The Inevitable has been hunting the beasts across the ocean and Captain Crow is determined to capture a female beast known as the Red Bluster that took his eye.
Upon catches their latest beast, the crew return to the land of Three Bridges to get their payment. But the King and Queen tells Captain Crow that they will no longer back up the hunt and instead put a naval vessel named 'The Imperator' to hunt the beasts. Jacob reasons with the Kingdom that they are given another chance to kill the Red Bluster and the Kingdom agreed.
So The Inevitable goes on its way to hunt The Red Bluster. Jacob discovers Maisie on the ship as a stow-away as she really wants to hunt for beasts that killed her parents.

The Inevitable comes across The Red Bluster and a huge fight ensues. Against Captain Crow's order, Jacob lets Maisie cut a rope connecting the ship to the beast, which saves the ship but lets the Bluster escape and throws Jacob and Maisie into the sea. Angered by their action, Captain Crow demands Jacob to bring Maisie to him, before the Bluster emerges from the depth and swallows Maisie and Jacob whole.
Both are not dead. The Bluster travels and brings them to an isolated island populated by other beasts. There, the duo discovers that the Bluster is friendly and Maisie named her, Red. Now they understood that the beasts are misunderstood creatures and the battle between men and beasts may have started with men, not by beasts as told in the books.
Meanwhile, Captain Crow, believes that the Bluster killed Jacob, seeks assistance from Gwen Battebie for a poison strong enough to kill the Bluster.
Can Maisie and Jacob teach the world the truth about the beast?

Plot: 4.7/ 5.0 Enjoyable storyline. Somehow reminds me of the Pacific Rim and Godzilla movies.
Your kids would love this one and the young at hearts will love it too. I know I did!
Cast: 4.7/ 5.0 Everyone perform beautifully.
Will I Watch It Again: Yes I would.
The pictures are taken from multiple sources on the Internet. Thank you.
#TheSeaBeast #Animation #Adventure #Family #Netflix #RawlinsGLAM #RawlinsLifestyle #MovieReviewbyRawlins

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