Himalaya Natural Protein 5 Anti Hair-Fall, the Hair Saviour | It is normal to lose some hair from your scalp each day. But if it falls a handful or sheds faster than usual, one may be 'balding'.

Some facts about hair loss
- People shed 5--100 strands of hair per day.
- More than 50% of women experience balding.
- By 50 years of age, about 85% of men are balding (according to American Hair Loss Association.
- In 25% of men who have genetic-related hair loss, it starts before they're 21 years old.
What are the symptoms?
- Thinning on the top of the head
- Receding hairline in men
- Widening hair part in women
What causes balding?
- Genetics - sorry, little can be done to assist you
- Normal aging process - so worry not, everyone is facing it. Some might be faster than others
- Male hormones called androgens - ain't you lucky, ladies

Ok. Enough about balding @ hair loss. Everyone is experiencing it. And me, a male human species, as mentioned above, experience it at a faster rate than the female species. And the fact that almost all of my male family members from my mum's side are almost completely bald by 50, tops any other facts about symptoms of balding.
So, what do I do? I have been very careful in choosing what I put on my hair - the shampoo, hair oil and I think I have only bleached my hair once and dyed it twice, throughout my whole ** years of living. Because I heard that frequent colouring and bleaching will expedite the hair-loss. And I don't want that to happen anytime soon. Oh. And I don't like using hair dryer too as I read that it causes hair loss too.

Then I read rave reviews about the newly improved Himalaya Natural Protein 5 Anti-Hair Fall series with upgraded formulation that I decided I should give it a try too. So, yeah, I got myself these trio for the betterment of my crown - not that my crown needs help but 'extra shining' never hurts anyone.
What's new with the series?
- Enhanced herbal credentials: The herb is on the front and center of the pack
- Winning formulation: Increase in conditioning and intensity of new fragrances
- Exotic herbs: Use of herbs well established in the region
- Strong differentiator: Natural protein 5 for hair structure replenishment. The Natural Protein reduces breakage even at 200 degree celcius.
- Available in 6 variants in Malaysia [Anti-Hair Fall, Anti-Dandruff-Soothing & Moisturising, Anti-Dandruff-Gentle Clean, Softness & Shine, Smooth & Silky and Repair & Generate]
- Free from preservatives like MIT/ CMIT/ Parabens
- The formulations are designed to provide good foaming, cleansing and conditioning of the hair.
Step 1: Anti-Hair Fall Oil
Truth be told, I don't like putting too much oil on my hair cause the oil will get on my face eventually and because my skin is super sensitive, I might get acnes soon.
So, as a required step in using the series, I usually put the oil after I get back from work. I found it weird that my skin stays the same - no acne - which proves that the formulation is au naturale. I leave the oil for an hour or more before washing it.

- Stimulates hair growth
- Prevents hair fall and hair thinning
- Relieves dry and itchy scalp
Step 2: Anti-Hair Fall Shampoo
I usually apply quite a generous amount of shampoo, out of habit. I love to think since I've applied a generous amount of oil on it, I should wash it with a generous amount of shampoo too. And I wash my hair everyday.
I love the smell of my bathroom after every bath - the fragrance stays. And I love how it made my hair smells too.
Claims/ Benefits
- Provides root nourishment
- Improves hair texture
- Strengthen weakened hair fall due to breakage
- Helps nourish and smoothen hair, reduces hair damage
Step 3: Anti-Hair Fall Cream
Dry your hair before applying the cream. It is advised to apply the cream on damp hair after every wash. And that's exactly what I do every day.
I apply quite a generous amount of cream to cover the whole head and massage it gently onto my scalp too. Then I will leave it overnight.

Claims/ Benefits
- Reduces hair fall
- Strengthens hair follicles and promotes hair growth
- Provides hair conditioning and daily nourishment
So, how I do feel after using the series for the whole month?
As mentioned above, I love how soft my hair is now. It falls beautifully (to my eyes) and the hair fall is noticeably much less than before. When I wakes up in the morning, my hair is not as 'grumpy' as before - they're manageable, soft and still fragrant.
Itchy scalp? Gone, even when I sweats under the sun.
Breakage? Not as often as before, even when I tie my hair into a man-bun using the regular 'getah belacan'.
So, yes. I will stay using the Himalaya Natural Protein 5 Anti Hair-Fall as I am loving the effect on my hair, and my confidence too.
If you are trying to save your 'crowning glory' or wanting to gift someone who needs it, you can check out the whole series of the Himalaya Natural Protein 5 Complex in the Himalaya Boutique, Watsons and Guardian stores.
CN pun guna set shampoo Himalaya ni untuk masalah rambut gugur. Bagus produk ni.
ReplyDeleteRambut kte pun dah tua2 ni suka nau gugur..so boleh la try ni lak
ReplyDeletei pernah try himalaya shampoo ni mmg best sgt..sesuai sgt dengan rambut hubby yg teruk tu haha..so mmg produk himalaya terbaik
ReplyDeleteoooo baru tahu rangkaian Himalaya ada untuk rambut gugur. Kena try ni sebab rambut gugur makin ketara . Bagai produk dah cuba..tapi tak jumpa lagi yang serasi. Tq tau share info
ReplyDeletebagus set ni. memang complete untuk rambut gugur. boleh suggest kat kawan2 nanti
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih atas perkongsian. Memang tgh mencari produk utk rambut gugur
ReplyDeleteSelalu dengar produk Himalaya punya testimoni orang cakap bagus, but tak pernah try lagi. Lepas habiskan stock syampu kat rumah boleh la try.
ReplyDeleteOoo bagus yaa, belum pernah cuba lagi syampoo Himalaya ni, pakai facewash dia je.. nanti boleh cubalah..
ReplyDeleteAku mmg suka produk Himalaya. Tapi X pernah try syampu dia nampak best
ReplyDeleteoh nice anti hair fall range for ppl who needs it. Esp women after give birth
ReplyDeleteRuby nak beli lah produk penjagaan rambut Himalaya kat KLCC tu. Sebab tengok Rawlins review tu nampak produk best. Ingredient pun herba je. Ruby nak start jaga rambut anak-anak dan suami juga.
ReplyDeleteProduk Himalay memang bagus tau , saya sendiri pengguna produk Himalaya. Shampoo dia jer belum pernah cuba. Nanti nak cubalah beli yang set dia , mana tahu rambut kembali helok macam dulu2.
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