My most awaited monsters movie of all has finally aired. I was pleasantly awed by the last one and just can't wait to watch all the new monsters.
As I don't want to be the last to watch it, so I forced my friends to have a breaking fast session and movie night with me. Thanks to and Roll With Carol for the premiere invites!
Dr Mark Russell and Dr Emma Russell lose their son during the fight of Godzilla against the MUTOs in 2014. After which, they separated. Dr Emma lives with their daughter, Madison and carries on exploring the world of Godzilla and creating a device (named Orca) to communicate and control the giants. Whereas, Dr Mark travels the world to take pictures of animals in the wild.
Know your monsters |
When larvae Mothra finally wakes up, Dr Emma uses Orca to control the larvae's tantrum and it works. And then Jonah, an environmentalist who wants to restore the natural order of the world, barges in and kidnaps Dr Emma and Madison.
Realising that Jonah might use Orca to wake up the numerous monsters around the world and let them takes over the world, Dr Mark agrees to join the rescue mission of his daughter and ex-wife. Later, they learn that Dr Emma is actually the one who has been encouraging the waking up of all the monsters.
Are these small planes my toys? |
The biggest burp after breaking fast ever! |
Two heads are better, what about three? |
When Ghidorah wakes up and the human loses control over its action, the world's future is at stake. Ghidorah wants to rule the world but Godzilla will never allow that. Some monsters side with Ghidorah, which apparently an alien thus cannot be controlled via Orca and some sides with Godzilla, which wants to rid off of Ghidorah.
Along the way, the humans learn the history of each monster and realise that the Earth is not just for the humans and these monsters might be gods.
Will Godzilla be able to defend the world?
At what cost?
Plot: 4.9/ 5.0 Call me bias but I really enjoy this instalment. With so many monsters waking up and lots of monsters fighting scenes, I was actually have expecting to see Ultraman enter the screen. Expect to see lots of monsters and lots of fighting scenes. This time around, the humans' air time was a little less, the focus was more on the monsters.
Cast: 4.9/ 5.0 Nicely done everyone. No complaint whatsoever - Millie Bobby Brown as Madison was great as she plays with her emotions well in the movie.
Will I watch it again: Yes, in IMAX or 3D please!
The pictures are taken from IMDb and other sources on the Internet. Thank you.
Rawlins GLAM
Hahaha omg i mmg x suka cte non ficton n i wont go n watch this movie! Bkn sbb x best tp mmg not my kinda thing but anyhow i suke ur review sgt details! N that shot mmg nmpk power gler dorg punga tachnic n imagination kagom gler production Hollywood kn!
ReplyDeleteI miss the movie last week. Suppose to watch it but stuck with my thing. Hope this weekend can watch before holiday.
ReplyDeleteFilem Godzilla nampak bagus sangat. Will bring my children to watch it during Raya time.
ReplyDeleteMenarik untuk layan lepas ini, terima kasih bro kena bagi review yang terbaik
ReplyDeleteCerita macam ni memang layan. Anak suka je monster, gozilla, dinosaur ke.. tak takut pulak. Nampak menarik plot ceritanya. Hope dapat tengok nanti. Sekarang ni tak sempat masa limit nak persiapan raya haha.
ReplyDeletefinally !! anak2 atie dah bising dah nak tengok cite ni.. hahahahaha~ sabtu ahad ni kalau ada masa nak bawak dorang jap.. thanx bang !!
ReplyDeleteDon't think i will love this kind of movie. But i could see that you really enjoy everything about the movie. Must be your kind of genre, aite. If the movie shown in tv for free, i won't hesitate to give it a try.
ReplyDeleteFilem ni antara filem yg sangat dinantikan oleh anak2 aku nak tgk. Review 4.9 tu tinggi so aku percaya cerita ni best.
ReplyDeletemakin lama makin tak masuk akal dah cerita godzilla nih , banyak monster dari manusia ....hahahaha ..yag last dia bergaduh sesama dia pun ai dah stress..then nak kena pilih mana baik mana jahat yg human side...adehhhh ..tapi oklah namapun cerita rekaan kann ...hahaha
ReplyDeleteMovie.. Erm.. Xpnh dah tengok.
ReplyDeleteMalahan tak tahu apa cite terbaru tau.
Nampak mcm best cerita rawlins share kn ni.
Mesti real je kan..
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